Sunday, February 7, 2010

Which one of the following statements about blue-footed boobies is false?

The webbed feet of boobies make great flippers to propel them through the water.

The booby's body and bill are streamlined, reducing friction when it dives.

A gland at the base of the tail secretes an oil that helps make the body waterproof.

A gland in the bird's eye socket accumulates salt from body fluids, helping to keep the salt levels in the bird's body from reaching dangerous levels.

The large flat feet of boobies help them easily walk over the rough surface of the shoreline.Which one of the following statements about blue-footed boobies is false?
The last one because the shoreline is sandy.Which one of the following statements about blue-footed boobies is false?
They are said to walk clumsily on land, so I would probably go with the last one. However, the Galapagos is quite rocky, so the shoreline would probably not be very sandy. In images they are frequently seen nesting or standing on rocks.

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