Friday, February 12, 2010

Which of the following statements about the production of the line spectrum is false?

a. The energy of the photon can have any value.

b. The energy of the photon is related to the energy levels of the electron orbitals.

c. Electrons can be excited by passing electricity through a gaseous vapor.

d. Electrons always relax back to the ground state.

Which of the following statements about the production of the line spectrum is false?
i know the answer....

explanation... electrons belong in orbitals and when excited can jump into the next higher energy orbital.... when the electron falls back to the original orbital a photon is released. the photon released in proportional to the change in energy state....

now figure out the answerWhich of the following statements about the production of the line spectrum is false?
The reason you get the line spectrum is because potential energy is being converted to kinetic energy as the electron in the excited state falls to a lower energy level, energy is released as a photon.

Hydrogen is the simplest element to think of since it only has one electron in its orbital. If you excite the electron it might jump one two or three levels, as it falls back to the unexcited state (it always will want to go back to its lowest energy state) it will release a very specific amount of energy which will be seen as a very specific frequency of light. If it drops one energy level that will be one specific frequency, if it drops two that will be a different but specific frequency.

When you pass an electric current through hydrogen gas what you will see are the lines at these specific frequencies. In this way each element that you look at will have a very specific finger print unique to that element. The more electrons you have to more specific frequencies you will have and the more colored lines, look at neon sometime.

You can find websites with these finger prints if you do a search.

Answer a. is absolutely not true those photons of energy cannot have just any value if they did you would not get those nice clear lines in your spectrum.
a. The energy of a photon is a constant h(nu) where h is Planck's constant and (nu) is the photon's frequency.
a. True

b. True

c. True

d. True
  • ie
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