Monday, February 8, 2010

Do you agree with this statement: ';All religions are false, except mine. ? What's your religion?

I agree 100%. Everyone believes to have the truth, and also that everyone else is wrong. Worse thing is, that most of us are tought these things since childhood, and so are extremely tied onto those beliefs in such a way that if we are to ever be proven wrong, our mental health takes a blow.Do you agree with this statement: ';All religions are false, except mine. ? What's your religion?
No, in fact I accept every religion as being equally true and valid, since I view all Gods as being different faces of the same divine. I am pagan, and I draw many of my beliefs from different religions. It is all a matter of interpretation.

oh, and to the person two posts above me...Jesus wasnt the first person to be born in a manger, of a virgin, attended by wise men, have 12 disciples, be killed to redeem mankind, rise from the dead after three days and then promise to return to redeem humanity again. Mithra was. The roman god of battle.

Mithra did that before Jesus did, and part of the reason Christmas is on Dec.25 is because the pagans were celebrating solstice, and MITHRA'S birthday was dec 25.

Constantine placed the christian holiday there to ease conversion.

So from the looks of things not only are easter and christmas pagan, but Jesus himself as well seems to have been taken from pagan beliefs.Do you agree with this statement: ';All religions are false, except mine. ? What's your religion?
You had me at ';All religions are false';

Interesting that the only ones who categorically agreed with your statement are atheists.... LOL
Nope. All religions are false. Period.
None. So I agree.
I am missionary baptist, so of course, I believe my religion is the true one. I also believe that there are saved people in all religions. Why, because I believe that if someone calls on God's name, repents of his sins, believes that Jesus died and was raised from the dead, then I believe they are saved. That's what the Word of God says and I am a firm believer in it. Also I believe as a christian, we have a responsibility to tell people about God or we will be in direct defiance of God.
i agree with celtic_coldfire... we are all worshiping different faces of the same divine... i am a pagan
The better statement is, ';All religions are false including mine.';

Me? A Neo Native American Celtic Zen Shaman. Wanna Join? Then you're nuts........

I wouldn't want to belong to a club that would have me as a member.

pastafarian from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Ramen !
Athiesm is a religion, did you know that? Believe what you want and I will believe what I want. Blessings to you!
All religions are mans attempt to control man!

You need someone else to tell you how to think?

I would more say ';no religion is as COMPLETE as mine'; I do believe most if not all religions that are uplifting and centered around Christ and God are correct...just not 100% complete. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the only true and complete church on the earth, the only church with the Priesthood (the authority to act in God's name) and the only church with the authority to seal families together forever.
I agree with first responder, and was going to post those exact words until I discovered that he had got there first.
Absolutely not and I am Jewish.
I agree with the first part (';All religions are false';).

I'm an atheist.
Hmmm, I can't give this a yes and no answer.

All truth is God's truth. And many religions do contain at least some truth.

That being said, I beleive that Jesus is ';THE way, THE truth %26amp; THE life. No man comes to the Father except through him.'; -John 14:6 (Jesus said this which makes him either a loonie, a liar, or lord)

Basis for this belief: He rose from the dead.
Religions are not subject to the dichotomy of true/false. They just are.
I am christian, but i don't necissarily think anyone else's religion is wrong. I think God speaks to all. Just like people traslate the bible differently, I think divine intervention can be translated differently too. Me personally, I believe in that Jesus Christ died for my sins and saved me. But I would never judge anyone else for thier religious beliefs,because as much as I believe this with every bone in my body, I know people feel the same way about their religion. And who am I to judge? ';Let he not judge, lest he be judged himself'; I used to try to convince people all the time that Jesus is the way. But i found my responses wern't good, and that if anything, I was just pushing people farther away from christianity by being so bold. So I found it easier to live and let live.

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