Monday, February 8, 2010

Which of the following statements about the properties of life is false?

Which of the following statements about the properties of life is false?

All organisms have a complex organization.

All organisms have the ability to take in energy and use it.

All organisms have the ability to respond to stimuli from the environment.

All organisms have the ability to reproduce.

All organisms have the ability to maintain a constant internal temperature. Which of the following statements about the properties of life is false?
%26gt; All organisms have the ability to reproduce.

That's the false one.

An individual worker ant is an organism, but it cannot reproduce. Most mules are completely sterile. So are male ligers.

%26gt; All organisms have the ability to maintain a constant internal temperature

That's another false one. Bacteria don't maintain an internal temperature at all. Fungi, plants, and plenty of animals don't maintain a constant temperature.


';Complex organization'; is subjective, but I'd say it's true. A single-celled bacteria may appear primitive, but it has more than a thousand different well-regulated working parts! That's more complexity than the finest swiss watch ever made. Which of the following statements about the properties of life is false?
I would go with complex organization. All organisms have to have some degree of organization but complexity is a subjective matter...who is to say what is complex and what isn't...obviously there are degrees of complexity but life or evolution does not have a tendency to produce more and more complex organisms which is a common misconception.

Hope that helps
First and last statements are not requirements for defining life. The first statement, that organisms must be complex, is a bit subjective to begin with. But the sea sponge is a good example of a organised but simple form of life.

Cold blooded animals cannot regulate a constant internal temperature independently and must seek the appropriate environmental conditions to match their bodies' requirements.
All organisms have a complex is false as some organisms may have ancient body design and they are called primitive organisms.ex-sycon.

all organisms have the ability to maintain a constant internal is false as there are many organisms that lack this ability.ex-crocodile.

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