Sunday, February 7, 2010

Which of the following statements is FALSE when describing the Sertoli cells?

A. The Sertioli cells nourish the developing sperm

B. The Sertioli cells do not produce male sex hormones

C. The Sertioli cells produce testosterone

D. The Sertioli cells are located in the seminiferous tubulesWhich of the following statements is FALSE when describing the Sertoli cells?
The statement C is false because sertoli cells donot produce testosterone.Testosterone is produced by leydig cells.The rest are correct.Which of the following statements is FALSE when describing the Sertoli cells?
Dis wrong
It is C. The main known function of Sertoli cells is indeed to nourish the developing spermatozoa. However, recent research suggests also some cross talk between the developing sperm cells and the Sertoli.

(May I ask why you are asking all these multiple choice exam questions???)
the only wrong statment about sertoli cells is C. The Sertioli cells produce testosterone

but all others are correct
its D- as sertoli cells r located between seminiferous tubules

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